Datenschutz- und Cookie-Richtlinie - EnergiDanmark

Privacy and Cookie Policy

This Privacy and Cookie Policy (“Privacy and Cookie Policy“) applies to („Homepage“), whose owner and operator is Energi Danmark A / S, Tangen 29, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark, CVR no. 17225898 (“Energi Danmark A / S“). Energi Danmark is responsible for processing the personal data we process about you.

1. On what legal basis is your data recorded?

The legal basis for the processing of the IP address is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest derives from the purposes of data collection listed below. At this point, we indicate that we are unable to draw any direct conclusions about your identity from the data collected and that we will not be drawn by it.

2. What data is collected?

Energi Danmark can process the following data, which you can either be registered on the homepage or with the help of cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser cache so that we can recognize your computer on your next visit. We collect the following data:

•   Name, address, e-mail and phone number
•   Other data, such as the CVR number you provide when using the homepage.
•   Data that you provide when contacting Energi Danmark.
•   Data about your visit to the homepage, such as but not limited to traffic, localization data and other communication data.
•   Data about your smartphone, tablet or computer, such as IP address, operating system and browser type.

Energi Danmark may also process data about you that come from affiliates or that are publicly available.

2.1 Processing basis

We process the above-mentioned information on the basis of your consent, based on Article 6, subsection 1, letter a, or Article 6, subsection of the Data Protection Regulation. 1, letter f. Our legitimate interests are in marketing our products, improving the customer experience, developing and improving our digital services and customer service.

3. What is the collected data used for?

•   To ensure that the content on the homepage is presented to you in the most effective manner.
•   To present you news, information, products or services that may be of interest to you and that you have given your consent to contact us in this matter or, where legally possible, Energi Danmark may contact you without Your consent.
•   To conduct surveys with a view to improving your interaction with the homepage
•   To give you an overview of billing information and alike
•   To communicate with you
•   For system administration
•   To measure the traffic on the homepage.

The purpose is also specified below:

Purpose of using cookies: Internal / First-party cookies External / Third-party cookies
Technical functionality No Yes
Traffic-measurement No Yes
Advertising (user measurement, frequency, etc.) No Yes
Behavior-based, personalized ads No No

4. Where and how is your personal information stored?

Energi Danmark has implemented the necessary technical and organizational safeguards against data being inadvertently or unlawfully destroyed or compromised, or for disclosing, misusing or otherwise processing unauthorized persons in accordance with this Privacy and Cookie Policy.

All data received by Energi Danmark will be stored on a secure server. Your personal information is stored on restricted access servers located in supervised facilities that are under constant surveillance to ensure that our personal information is handled with care.

We do not store your personal data longer than necessary.

How long cookies are stored may vary, but usually deletes itself after 12-24 months, with some cookies, e.g. Opt-out / deselection cookies, however, can be stored for up to 10 years if they are not deleted by the user in the meantime. Note that cookies renew after each visit.

To delete or block cookies, you must follow the instructions below:

If you want to block cookies related to Google Analytics, you can do so here:

5. Will my personal information be disclosed?

Your personal information will never be disclosed to third parties, unless you have expressly consented to it. Furthermore, Energi Danmark does not collect any personal data without you having communicated this data yourself.

Energi Danmark may disclose your personal information to affiliates of the Company in accordance with the law and this Privacy and Cookie Policy. In certain cases your personal data may be transferred to third countries.

5. Your rights

You have the right to know on request which personal data Energi Danmark processes for you and to correct any errors. You have a right to information on the following points:

•   What data is processed
•   The source from which the data originates
•   The purpose of the processing
•   To which recipients or groups of recipients data are disclosed
•   You have the right to correct incorrect data about yourself
•   In special cases, you have the right to delete your data before the time of our normal, general deletion
•   In certain cases, you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data
•   In certain cases, you may have the right to receive your personal information in a structured, common and machine-readable format, as well as to have that personally identifiable information transmitted to another person by a person without hindrance.

You have the right at any time to revoke your consent or to exercise the above rights. You can do so by contacting us at the contact details below.

If you revoke your consent, this will not affect the legality of our processing of your personal information against the background of your prior consent until the date of revocation. Therefore, revoking your consent will not be effective until that time.

Find out more about your rights on the website of the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BFDI) on the rights of data subjects, which can be found at

7. Amend the privacy and cookie policy

Energi Danmark is constantly updating the privacy and cookie policy. All changes will be published on the homepage.

7. Contact

If you have questions about the privacy and cookie policy or the use of the homepage, you can always contact us at

You have the right to file a complaint with the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BFDI) if you are dissatisfied with the way we process your personal data. You will find the contact details of the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BFDI) at